September 10 - November 9
The Museum of the Zakopane Style,
ul. Kościeliska 18, Zakopane
The exhibition is devoted to Juliusz Zborowski (1888-1965), called 'Samuel', to celebrate the 120th anniversary of his birth. Zborowski was the first director of the Tatra Museum between 1922 and 1965.
On display are the photographs and commentaries which show the versatility of the first Tatra Museum director's activities; he not only expanded the Museum, but also developed the idea of environmental protection and supported scholars' research works in the area of the Tatra mountains and Podhale region. He promoted the preservation of historic buildings and initiated the Tatra Museum publications. Zborowski had many personal qualities such as openness to people and a good sense of humour, hence his extremely good contacts with many eminent personalities - historians, linguists and specialists in literature - whose profiles are shown at the exhibition. This display includes as well the phonograph and cylinders which Juliusz Zborowski used to record Highlander music as early as before the First World War.
Apart from the photographs, the visitor can also see the caricatures of Zborowski drawn by Zofia Stryjeńska and Zygmunt Czermański and his oil portrait by Władysław Jarocki.

Juliusz Zborowski |

The Tatra Museum |